there is this guy who tries to claim ur shit currently!
He claimed people like NIGHTKilla, TheFatRat, and Tobu. Also various FNAF and TADC remixes.
just wanna get this out here so you could be aware of this.
he claimed one of mines and i already flagged him about this:
my song:
his video:
i do understand when people use my tracks in their videos and games for fun and stuff when i allow it but this is just stealing bluntly.
i do love my fans and i love to see people use my work on their projects and games and such but this is not okay.
Report his music, with examples and dates of your work vs his, to the digital distro's he's apart of and big platforms he is associated with (spotify/apple/etc).
100% stolen if it's being generated with "Topic" on Youtube and on digital retailers.